Too often I get questions whether the future of personal bloggers are very uncertain. I honestly say that the answers to such questions might be yes and may not, depending on their temperament.
Why not? Because it was clearly evident, many of the bloggers who write personal stories have been successful in the blogging arena. And
believe it or not, the amount they are actually more qualified than
journalists do not take up every day sitting waiting for the latest news
from online newspapers.
One that you need to remember, really hungry readers a special writing. I mean beyond their imagination. And for writing so you have to be themselves by expressing what you feel, not what you read or hear. Do not be afraid to voice their opinions criticized for thinking outside the box. Pretend to be other people will only limit your creativity only.
Furthermore, by doing so the scope of your writing will become more widespread.
Please open your eyes and see the difference to those who wrote in an honest and just write. Even mess, those who write articles from the heart will still look special and interesting is not.
So why should you?
it must be recognized that most of the writings of those who fail are
weak, there are a lot of empty space that cause the reader to a blog is
easy to forget these people. Note also the topic of a trial, it was too cliche and oft repeated, giving rise to boredom to the reader. Even if he was interesting, fill in it is quite narrow and sometimes too general to be read.
My advice is to learn and keep learning. Do not be too much to waste time with blogwalking and comment only. If
possible, do the research themselves why artikel of Top Malaysian Bloggers
so admired. In my opinion, personal blog brighter future than write articles. I guarantee it.